Podcast De Ontwaakte Leider

Lead to Wholeness


May this encounter bring warmth, trust, understanding, collaboration and evolution of humankind.


'I am not trying to give answers. I invite you to deepen your questions in such a way that truth becomes the only authority in your life.'


- Mireille -

The Temple Journey 2025

In 2025 komt er een nieuw exclusief 1-op-1 mentorship tot stand: een ontwakingsreis van maart t/m november 2025 met een Temple Intensive in de vorm van een prive retreat in Zuid Spanje, mini retreat in de yurt in Nijmegen, online 1-op-1 sessies en één van de online programma's.

Op dit moment (29 jan 2025) ben ik opnieuw in afstemming wat het aanbod exact wil zijn en voor wie. Uiterlijk halverwege februari komt het hier online. Spreekt een exclusief mentorship je aan en belichaam je reeds een verruimd bewustzijnsniveau? Neem contact met me op.

Lees hier meer over The Temple Journey

Welcome Sparkle of Consciousness!

Yes you, that's what you are. That's what we all are.

It's time to remember our infinity; to peel back all the layers of human experiences from throughout lifetimes, to remember and to live our true nature. Our inner depth is calling us to relate truthfully with ourselves, so we can be a powerful source of light and wisdom - at home, at work, in politics, and in our communities. For the benefit of us all and the evolution of humankind.

I'm so happy that you're here!


I welcome you - as you are - to the Sparkle of Consciousness, I'm Mireille Goedkoop.

As the founder, it is my deepest wish for every human to understand that we are vibrational beings, and that we can all master our energy - with conscious choice and focus - for the benefit of ourselves and of others. All of my programs and services are created with this vision and desire for all.

Thank you for being you & for being here.

Ciska Meedendorp

"It was an emotional, precious and beautiful inner journey. So much has happened and the closer we came towards the core, the lighter I felt. Because of the Shaman Within program I am no longer a victim of my past."

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