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Effective date: 15th December 2021


This website is owned and operated by Sparkle of Consciousness.This Disclaimer, the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, governs your access to and the use of Before using this website you are advised to read this disclaimer. By using this website and/or entering into an agreement with Sparkle of Consciousness, you agree and are bound with this disclaimer and the terms and conditions. If you don't agree to the Privacy Policy, you must stop using the services and/or website of Sparkle of Consciousness.

Educational And Informational Purposes
The information on this Website is for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing can be understood as an advice or recommendation. Sparkle of Consciousness accepts no liability for damage resulting from inaccuracies or imperfections in the texts of this website, nor for problems caused by the use of these texts for third parties. The information on this website and the services may include inaccuracies or typographical errors.

No advice
The information available on the Sparkle of Consciousness website a is not intended to be a substitute for qualified medical advice. Sparkle of Consciousness is not a qualified physician and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are being treated by a doctor, the medical advice of the treating doctor should be leading. The information on the website cannot be regarded as therapeutic advice. The programs of Sparkle of Consciousness do not replace other treatment method(s) and therefore never exclude them. Also, Sparkle of Consciousness has no intention of interfering with medical treatment. If you want to stop taking medicines prescribed by a treating doctor, this must be discussed with the treating doctor. The choice to stop the treatment and/or the services of Sparkle of Consciousness must always be made by yourself, Sparkle of Consciousness can never be held liable for the consequences of this.

Personal Responsibility
If you use the services of Sparkle of Consciousness, or this website, you accept your personal responsibility , and you remain responsible at all times for your actions and what you do with the information provided by Sparkle of Consciousness. Any information provided can never be regarded as legal or financial advice. Everything provided is not a substitute for advice from a relevant professional, who is aware of your specific situation. You need to inform yourself about all consequences before you take any action as suggested/recommended on this Website. Taking any action, or not, is your own responsibility. You are sole responsible for any damages you suffer by using this website and/or the services.

No Guarantees
Sparkle of Consciousness has made no guarantees about any possible results you can get. All information provided is intented to help you achieve (more) success in your life and/or business. Getting results, successess (or failure) is the result of your own efforts and situation. This is never the responsibility of Sparkle of Consciousness.  Although the programs of Sparkle of Consciousness are/ can be effective, Sparkle of Consciousness does not guarantee that the programs will work for everyone, or work in the same way. Anyone who follows the services of Sparkle of Consciousness will make an effort and actively participate in the services that allow the programs to take effect. Prior results, or results from others never guarantee a similar outcome for you.

Errors And Omissions
This website is intended to be complete, correct and up-to-date. Sparkle of Consciousness reserves the right to change the content of its website and/or this disclaimer at any time without informing its Clients and / or users of the website about this change. The content of the website has been compiled with the greatest possible care, but may nevertheless contain possible inaccuracies or be incomplete. Sparkle of Consciousness does not accept any liability whatsoever for damage caused by or resulting from the use of the website. The use of this website is entirely at the expense and risk of a user of the website. No rights can be derived from the content of the website. All texts on the website are protected by copyright and the property of Sparkle of Consciousness insofar as they do not belong to third parties.

Sparkle of Consciousness can provide reviews/testimonials from clients regarding the service. Any such reviews/testimonials will represent the opinions of the author of such review/testimonial. The products and services reviewed may be provided to Sparkle of Consciousness for free or at a reduced price as an incentive to provide a review, or after having payed for the service. Testimonials are actual statements made by clients and have been truthfully conveyed on this Website. You should not rely solely upon any review/testimonials provided on this website, as these are opinions from others, and you have to do your own research. The testimonials are never typical and are no guarantee of the results you may get.

Earnings Disclaimer
From time to time, Sparkle of Consciousness may report on the success of one of its existing or prior clients. The information about this success is accurately portrayed by the Client. You acknowledge that the prior success of others does not guarantee your own success. Your results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, your expertise, and other personal circumstances. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Sparkle of Consciousness never guarantees any income you will make after following a program, and any income shall vary from person to person. The use of the programs, information and services should be based on your own due diligence. Sparkle of Consciousness is never liable for any success or failure of you or your business that is (in)directly relates to the purchase and/or the use of a program or the information provided.

No Warranties
Sparkle of Consciousness makes no warranties regarding the performance of this website. Sparkle of consciousness is never liabile for any damages resulting from a particular use by you. Sparkle of consciousness makes no representations or warranties to the information/content provided, the services and/or programs in any way. Sparkle of Consciousness rejects all warranties (expressed and/or implied), including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

No Endorsements

Sparkle of Consciousness can refer to other products, services and/or other companies. Any such reference is not intended as an endorsement or statement that the information provided by the other party is accurate. The information is only to be used as a reference for the users. You are sole responsible for doing your own research on such a product, service or company.

Limitation of Liability
You absolve Sparkle of Consciousness of any and all liability, damages or loss that you or any person/entity associated with you(r business) may suffer or incur as a result of use of the information contained on this website, and the services provided by Sparkle of Consciousness.

Sparkle of Consciousness makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, and accuracy of the information and services for any purpose. Everything is provided "as is". Sparkle of Consciousness hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, services and non-infringement. Sparkle of Consciousness excludes its liability if and insofar as legally possible. Consequential damage is excluded from liability. For the contents of the limitation of liability, reference is made to the clauses of the General Terms and Conditions.

Contact Us
If you have questions, you can contact us at:

Het Noorderlicht B.V. / Sparkle of Consciousness
Bredestraat 198
6543ZZ Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Email Address: [email protected]